Apex Legends: 1 Year On
Electronic Arts
Role: Motion Designer and Editor
Client: Respawn Entertainment
Production Company: Electronic Arts
After what has a very exciting first year for Apex Legends we wanted to kick off Season 4 of their live service with a piece that shows the amount of work that has gone into the development of the game itself and the backstories they have thought up for the characters. It was great to go back through all the content we have created over the past year and find the highlights and the big moments we wanted to remember in this piece.
I’m very proud to be a part of a team that has made such big changes in the gaming industry and really care about the craft they are working on. It’s been a pleasure to see how gamers have reacted to what we have produced and in turn how creative they have been with the game itself. It’s also been a great chance for me to look back and see how far I’ve come from back when I joined the team on Titanfall 2. For one, it’s been great to see how the world we helped create has developed over time but it’s also great to see how we have developed as a team and how our storytelling has been refined over the years. I look forward to seeing where we can take the franchise in the future and I hope that I can continue working with such a talented team.
Lastly, a huge shout-out to all the artists we have featured in our assets over the year. It’s been great to see your interpretation of the world we have created and how it’s inspired you to create too.