Corinthia: The Craftsmanship of Care
The Neighbourhood
Role: Motion Designer and Editor
Client: Corinthia Hotels
Production Company: The Neighbourhood
This piece was originally made as a stereoscopic piece but we also produced a 2D edit for social purposes. The original 3D screening was in New York and was made to entice visitors of Corinthia Hotels to come to the new location in London. This was my first big role in a large production and it really was a crucial turning point for me. I was involved in filming, lighting, shoot producing, creating HDRI maps and most importantly… my big acting début. This provided me with an excellent opportunity to be involved with aspects I had little experience in. On this project I really showed how I was able to fight fires and be reactive when I needed to be. This was also were I proved myself as an editor and gained a whole new level of responsibility within the team.

This a short “Making of” film which I shot and edited, to show the methods we used to produce this piece. I collected the footage while helping out the gaffers, cameramen and production team during the actual shoot. This “Making of” film is actually edited to the track we originally wanted to edit the feature film to bud budgets wouldn’t allow.